Consumer research acne products

« ...Aside from cleaning, treating and protecting your skin to keep acne at bay, another tip can be included in the list of basic skin care for acne prone skin tips. Shaving can cause your skin to break if you are not careful. If you have acne prone skin or skin that has a few acne lesions on it, you may need to exercise caution when running that razor over your face. These little cuts may cause scarring or may even cause the presence of bacteria to increase. Using alternative methods for shaving, like electric razors, may be a worthwhile practice....
...Plugged Pores a medical situation occasioned by blocked skin pores that cause lesions. Skin pores can be clogged by sebum for a number of reasons that are not yet understood by the Biologists. Dead cells and other biotic organisms get trapped in the pores causing lesions common to spots. The most frequent one is the comedones which appear in two varieties: the black heads and the white heads. White head is a plugged pore that has begun to swell on the skin due to bacteria dead cells and/or other things that has turn out to be trapped under the skin. Its name is derived from its appearance. Those comedones that open illuminating the dark follicle plug from within are the black heads....»

«...There are other more creative ways to mix clay mask with other remedies. For example, you can mix clay mask with lemon juice, honey, apple cider vinegar and so on. To treat your acne, I personally think that by using clay mask and lemon juice is the better combination....» Full Text:

how to prevent body acne,
home remedies for cystic acne,
hormonal changes in women with age that cause acne