Difference hormonal and food allergy acne

« ...Most research suggests that acne results from a disorder of the sebaceous glands which secrete an oily substance known as sebum. Many skin doctors believe a male sex hormone androgen -- present in both males and females -- stimulates the production of sebum. When excess sebum builds up in the pores, bacteria multiplies and follicles fester. Hormonal imbalances caused by puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, and even stress can trigger acne outbreaks, as can certain drugs such as birth control pills and anabolic steroids. Genetics play a part as well. If your parents or siblings had acne, there's a good chance you will, too....
...Dealing with acne can be horribly frustrating. Each year millions of people try to get rid of pimples by buying various acne treatments, however hardly anything seems to work. However, there are natural home acne treatments that work as long as they follow the "golden rule" of treating your skin....»
Read More: how-remove-acne.blogspot.com

«...When we think of acne, we think of oily, shiny skin. So it may come as a surprise when our dry winter skin paves the way for an acne breakout. Acne is not a condition limited to those with oily skin. People with dry skin can have acne too....»
Full Text: how-remove-acne.blogspot.com

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